Saturday, February 13, 2016

Keeping God Central, and Vocations

One of the classes that I'm taking this semester at Seminary is Vocation of Ministry. Well I've heard some bad things about this class, but the semester is only a week in so who knows, I may like it. But that's beside the point, I want to talk about one of the books that I read for the class. The book is The Call by Os Guinness  is a fantastic book that focuses on the call that every Christian has placed on their life. Os Guinness states that every person has a primary and a secondary Call that has been placed on their life.

The first calling that every person has is a calling to pursue God as the center of all things in life. Guinness also says that our secondary calling is our vocation, which can be anything from full time ministry to construction. A lot of people get these mixed up, they put their vocation or in some cases just regular work beyond their first calling. The secondary calling is to be lived out in response to the first calling. The key to this is that the secondary calling, your vocation, becomes a "why" rather than a "what". For example, a person has recognized their gifts that God has given them and serves God faithfully by using them in his construction.

Believe it or not the very term "Work-a-holic" was coined to describe the way that many clergy members were obsessed with their work to the point that it was ruining their very faith. God needs to be the center at all things in a person's life, especially at the center of our earthly vocation.

What I'm trying to get through to you here is that through the pursuit of God in the center of everything that you do is where you find your vocation. If you follow and walk with God everything else will come in time. And if you already are in you vocation then please remember, your vocation is secondary, but following God must come first.

"Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the Love of Jesus"
-Mother Teresa
Thank you for reading, keep God central. (Read The Call, DO IT.)
Alex Gebert