Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Glimpse into Who God Is.

Turn to Genesis 15 in your Bible before you read this blog and read that, because that's what this blog is going to be about. This might be my favorite passage in the Bible simply because it shows just how faithful and trustworthy God is. In verses 9-17 a ritual is described. A key point of this ritual is when the heifer, the goat, and the ram are all cut in half. Lets take a second here, I'm sure you're wondering, "Why are animals being cut in half so special? It just seems like a bunch of other sacrifices that are recorded all throughout the Old Testament." There is a difference, I promise, let me explain.

The three animals that are cut in half represent something fascinating that reveals a bit of the nature of God Himself. You see, this oath or covenant that is being made is the type that has a self-curse on the one that is making the oath if it is not fulfilled. That self curse what that the oath maker was stating that the fate of the animals would happen to them if their promise was not fulfilled. Let that sink in for a second.

God Himself was promising His own destruction if He did not keep His part of the covenant with Abram. I am wowed every single time that I read this, how can you not be? God, the creator of the universe, promised His own destruction if he did not keep a promise. This shows that God is trustworthy, He is honorable, and He would rather be destroyed than not keep up His end of the covenant.

God reveals Himself to us all the time, a lot of time it is through His Word. That's why we have the Bible in the first place. So read your Bible, spend time with God, and sincerely seek Him. God grants wisdom and knowledge to those that seek them. Are you seeking? Do you want to know more about God, or even to learn more about Him? Ask for it, pray and spend time alone reading the Word. The way will be shown to you, and He will reveal Himself to you. That's my promise, and His.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Growth During The Crucible

Remember the girl that I wrote about a while ago, whose father is in jail, won't write her, and her mother is in rehab for drug abuse? Well last night at youth she taught about forgiveness.
When she ran the lesson by me before we actually started youth I was so proud. She had a 30 minute lesson set up, 4 scripture references, an activity, small group discussion, and even a closing statement! This girl that has been raised in a dysfunctional home worked hard on a lesson that she knew that people needed to understand. The whole reason that she did this was so that people in the youth group would understand how important it is to forgive those that hurt us as Christians. Most adult Christians that I know don't understand the concept that a middle school girl taught about last night. The lesson that she taught last night was better than any work that I could have come up with at her age, I am expecting great things from this girl. To top it all off, after the lesson she told me that her mom wrote to her from rehab and said that she is trying to get better for her, that she misses, and loves her......
God uses people when they are at their lowest. Think about anyone in the Bible, even Jesus! What else could have been the low point in the life of Jesus rather than when he was being nailed to a cross? God used this little girl. And I am so glad that He did.

Tomorrow is Graduation

I graduate tomorrow!

That gif is about how I feel right now. It has taken me four long years of hard work to get where I am today and I'm pumped. Not only am I graduating but I am going to the Seminary of my dreams, Asbury Theological Seminary, I'm in the process of entering into the Chaplain Candidate program for the Navy, and my wife is happy because I got the place that she wanted to live in while we are there. This is a great time in my life, and I give all the credit to God. He is the one that has gotten me this far, He has put people i my life to get me where I am today and bring me closer to Him. I've learned enough over the past four years to realize that I don't know much at all, which is extremely humbling. But I am still excited to graduate, I have been looking forward to this during the entirety of the semester. I just wanted to share that I'm graduating, I'm stoked.

P.S. There is going to be a better blog later today so keep looking.