Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Lately I have heard a lot about how Science is out to destroy Christianity. I've honestly heard people treat the word "Science", or "Scientists" as swear words and people that are out to destroy the Church.

The only thing that this sort of thinking does is create more and more uninformed, ill-equipped people that think the proper thing to do is scream at the world because they are trying to tear their religion apart. Science isn't evil, it's how God does stuff.

 I have a question for the people that believe that; How in the world can you believe that???

Science is nothing more that God allowing us to understand how He does things. It ties in with theology so perfectly, think about it. Science is how God does stuff, and theology is WHY God does stuff.


Don't get me wrong, there are some scientists that are actually setting out to destroy Christianity, but most of them are probably just trying to figure stuff out, or even benefit the world. Science in itself is not bad, if the Scripture and science don't match up, then one of them is not being examined correctly. We're still humans, chances are you're wrong about something if it doesn't line up. Look at them together, there is an answer because they will both line up if you're right.

Now, before you get too angry and immediately unsubscribe, think about this. Think about any other part of any theology that is not proved with experiences. Can't think of any? That's because there isn't any. All scripture is backed up by experience, that's just the way Christianity works, it is something that we LIVE. I'll take it one step further. Consider the Wesleyan Quadrilateral:

Scripture is the basis of all of our beliefs of course, and science is simply verifying our beliefs, it is a tool to help us understand God. God is a wonderful artist that has wonderfully and majestically created everything from sunrises and sunsets to DNA, why is it such a problem to try and figure out how He made them?

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