Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Personal Growth: Making Your Desk Your Altar.

So in a couple of hours I start my first class at Asbury Theological Seminary. My first class is New Testament taught by Dr. Keener, and from what I have heard he is a complete genius. He wrote a commentary, and is world renowned for being an expert on the New Testament. Needless to say, I'm excited. Not only to be taught by some of the most knowledgeable people on the planet about Scripture, but also for my own personal growth.

Something that I have lived by since I started my educational career is making my desk my altar.
I make my desk my altar because I recognize that I know enough to know that I don't know enough. By that I mean that the more that I learn about God, Scripture, and how he chooses to work in his creation the more that I can grow closer to God.

I look at learning about God the same way that I look at learning more about my wife or a good friend, I don't know everything about them and the more that I learn about them and who they are the closer I can become to them. Albeit there is  a good bit more to learn about God than my wife or a friend. It still works the same.

The same as you worship at an altar at Church, I tend to worship most passionately when I a at my desk researching, exploring different assets, or trying to understand God. I love it. Most of the time during my studies I have had to stop at some point and simply thank God for giving me the opportunity to learn more about him. And hopefully this inspires you to do the same. 

I want everyone that reads this to really get into studying, I understand that most of the time it is difficult and a lot of people don't even try because they don't enjoy it. But there is something special about studying God and Scripture. I'm not talking about just reading scripture, scripture must be studied in order to be understood. God gave us a brain for a reason, to use it. Every study is a study of God's creation, any sort of science, history, scripture, almost anything you can think of. I really hope that you will try it out and let me know if you have any questions or ideas. 

You're awesome, go study the creation of God.
Alex Gebert

1 comment:

  1. Your excitement and passion sheds a new light on studying. Good job.
